
Everyday Life

Everyday Life

Discussions about sustainable transitions are often conducted as a blame game: companies only think about money, citizens are not willing to change their way of life, researchers should work much faster, politicians are more occupied with their careers, technologies will save the day, so everyone relax, public institutions are not doing enough and so on. This is unfortunate, as sustainable transitions demand that we understand how these actors (and many more, to be sure) can work together in new kinds of ways. 

In everyday day practice – washing, cooking, cleaning, for instance – all of these actors meet and enable more or less sustainable ways of living, enacting everyday life as a paradigmatic case for design research on how to act in the green transitions.
Within this research area, we seek to build knowledge on:

1. Designerly engagements with  everyday life and sustainable innovations in everyday practice – how?
2. How do climate and environmental concerns travel into everyday life and
to what kinds of effects? And how do such concerns relate to other kinds of
everyday concerns and preoccupations?
3. What kinds of technologies may support the coming into being of sustainable innovations in everyday practice – and how might design take
part in developing such technologies.

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Designskolen Kolding
Ågade 10
DK-6000 Kolding
+45 76 30 11 00